Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Seeing the Unseen by Jill Briscoe

Elisha's servant got up early one morning and went outside. He looked around and got a very nasty shock. The Aramean army surrounded them! Terrified, he raced into the house to blurt out the bad news to Elisha. But Elisha reassured him and prayed, "O Lord, open his eyes so he may see" (2 Kings 6:17, NIV). Suddenly the servant saw horses and fantastic chariots of fire that made the iron ones the Arameans were sitting in look a bit silly. They covered the hills around the city.
... What does it mean to see the unseen? Most of us will never see the fiery chariots with our physical eyes, but we can learn to see them with the eyes of true faith, as Elisha and his servant did. Write out and memorize 2 Kings 6:16 as a reminder that the soldiers of the Lord's army will garrison our hearts and minds with the peace of God. According to Philippians 4:7, as surely as those fiery chariots garrisoned the house of Elisha and his servant, so will God's soldiers of peace "police" our thoughts and refuse to let anyone through to terrorize us!

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