Thursday, September 2, 2010

Does God Know You? by Billy Graham

If only we today could realize that a nation can rise no higher, can be no stronger and be no better than the individuals that compose that nation! If the world is bad, it is the people who are bad. If the world is confused, it is the people in the world who are confused. If this is a godless world, it is the people who are godless.
David realized this truth; and in wisdom, he concluded that he should start making things right in himself! "Search me, O God, and know my heart; Try me, and know my anxieties" (Psalm 139:23). Here was a wise confession on the part of a great leader, a humble admission that a nation's sicknesses can be attributed to its spiritual ills. David turned his face to the altar of God. He prayed earnestly for God to begin the revival of his nation by kindling the fires of revival in his own heart. Not only did he pray that he might know God, but that God might know him.

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