Monday, August 16, 2010

Prayer Request

From Heidi Swander, Jan Markell's assistant, at Olive Tree Ministries:

Hi all!  Jan wanted me to send out one last email to you from our special email system and refer you to her CaringBridge page for all further prayer updates.  You can go there and sign up to be notified by email when we update the Journal (  Here is the latest entry I made just about 1/2 hour ago:

ATTENTION PRAYER WARRIORS! We need your help!  The serious pain in Jan's leg - emanating from her back -- that disappeared 6 weeks ago has returned.  She is sad and scared, as can be expected.  We don't know what's going on in there, but the Great Physician does, praise God!

Now Jan is facing our big fall conference with pain, which isn't a pleasant thought to say the least.  She does have an appointment with Dr. Transfeldt in mid-September, but until then, she said the pain is growing by the day.

We need you to pray!  Does God want to remove the pain again?  Does He want her to have the surgery?  Where will this leave Olive Tree Ministries and "Understanding the Times" radio?  These are things our Father has a handle on, but He wants us to talk to Him about them nonetheless.

Jan feels self-conscious coming to you, so I said I would.  You're on the team, and we are grateful for each one of you.  This is why we began this CaringBridge site!  We will keep you posted as events develop.

This is God's ministry and, as I always say, we aren't going anywhere until He says so!  We are convinced this ministry is important to Him.  He's indicated it over and over again.  Jan is committed to hanging in there as long as He makes a way!  We wanted you each to know this as we move forward with this new development.

Blessings to each of you,

-- Heidi (Jan's assistant)

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