Monday, August 30, 2010

Glenn Beck and Jim Wallis Are Both Pushing Social Justice and an Earthly Kingdom by Brannon S. Howse

Am I on the only one that watched Glenn Beck's 8-28 rally with red flags going up non-stop? The mixture of Glenn's Mormon theology wrapped in Christian terms, combined with some of the Christian speakers made me very uncomfortable.  The patriotic ecumenicalism was very unbiblical.

The dominion theology of some Christians, combined with the "Kingdom of God" theology of Mormonism, combined with all faiths uniting and wrapped in the flag reveals that a one-world religion and a one-world leader will be easily accepted even by people calling themselves Christians.

Mormon Theology at Beck's 8-28 rally came out within the first few minutes that Glenn stepped on to the stage.  Beck proclaims; "God's chosen people, the Native Americans and the Pilgrims." Mormon theology says that Native Americans are a lost tribe of Israel that came to America and that Jesus appeared to them after the resurrection in the Americas in the Western Hemisphere. The teachings that "Jesus" gave them are what Joseph Smith claimed to have found on the gold tablets when he was a teenager. Smith was directed to the golden plates by an angle of light. 

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