Friday, August 31, 2012

The End Times Empire. Rome, Or Islam, Or …? Part 2 Conclusion~~A Bible Study by Jack Kelley

Grace Thru Faith

Periodically over the past six years I’ve written about the similarities between Islamic prophecies of an end times leader they call al Mahdi and Biblical prophecies about the one we call the anti-Christ. In their respective prophecies they’re both said to come on the scene during a time of great turmoil on Earth, both will claim a desire to restore peace, both have a seven year reign, both head a one world religion and one world government, both claim supernatural origins, and both reigns end in a battle between good and evil that brings Earth’s final judgment.

It’s estimated that today about 40% of all Muslims believe al Mahdi will appear during their lifetime, and a large number of Christians believe the anti-Christ is already alive and well on Planet Earth, to be revealed at the proper time. These similarities are remarkable and defy coincidence. It’s as if the Islamic and Biblical prophecies are describing the same person, and frankly, I think they probably are.

But when it comes to the make up of the End Times Empire there are good arguments for both the Roman view and the Islamic view. In part one we saw the similarities and the differences between the two and determined that neither view is conclusive. Our challenge now is to see if these differences can be reconciled because there can only be one end times Empire.

We’ve seen that the prophecies of Daniel 2 and Daniel 7 identify only four world governments from Daniel’s day to the Second Coming, and Babylon was obviously the first. Daniel 8 names the second and third Kingdoms as Medo-Persia and then Greece. Rev. 17:9-10 appears to make Rome, the ruling kingdom of John’s day, the fourth and final one, so it will have to re-emerge in some form in the last days.

In the past I’ve reconciled a revived Roman Empire with an end times Islamic Caliphate by showing that the eastern leg of the Roman Empire covered an area that’s largely Islamic today, and its capitol was Constantinople, now called Istanbul, which like Rome is a city on seven hills.

Read the Article Here


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